Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Glimpse into the future #2

Carrying on from my Glimpse into the future post a few weeks back.
Wake up, go to school, study, come home, study, break, study, break, study, sleep.

Wake up, go to school, study, come home, study, break, study, break, study, sleep.
Wake up, go to school, study, come home, study, break, study, break, study, sleep.
Wake up, go to school, study, come home, study, break, study, break, study, sleep.
Wake up, go to school, study, come home, study, break, study, break, study, sleep.
Wake up, relax, study, relax, study, study, relax, stay up, sleep.
Wake up, relax, study, relax, study, study, relax, stay up, sleep.
That's an average week for a student right? You're a student for how many years? At least 15. 
Elementary, High School, College, University. And you study for? Right. To get a job. To succeed in life. To earn money. To make your parents proud. You live your own life for 15 years working so hard like a robot then you go and get a job.
Wake up, go to work, come back, eat, relax, work, work, work, sleep.
Wake up, go to work, come back, eat, relax, work, work, work, sleep.
Wake up, go to work, come back, eat, relax, work, work, work, sleep.
Wake up, go to work, come back, eat, relax, work, work, work, sleep.
Wake up, go to work, come back, eat, relax, work, work, work, sleep.
Wake up, relax, relax,work, work, work, work, relax, work, work.
Wake up, relax, relax,work, work, work, work, relax, work, work.
That's an average life for an adult, correct me if I'm wrong. Why? To earn money for your bills. For your parents. And how long do you work? Till you die/reach the age of 60 or whatever the retirement age is. And BAM, 60 years of your life completely wasted. What do you do next? You're too old to go out partying, getting wasted and fooling around. All you do is just sit at home and watch old dramas and helping your children out finacially. What else do you do? Sleep? Shit? Eat? That's it. THAT'S. IT. Then you die. So I ask all of you. Really, 

What's the use?

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